# Translation of Plugins - IP Geo Block - Stable (latest release) in Japanese # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - IP Geo Block - Stable (latest release) package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-09 13:25:22+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.0-alpha.1\n" "Language: ja_JP\n" "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - IP Geo Block - Stable (latest release)\n" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:315 msgid "Metadata Exploit Protection" msgstr "メタデータ エクスプロイト保護" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/maxmind/class-maxmind-legacy.php:158 #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/maxmind/class-maxmind-legacy.php:179 #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/maxmind/class-maxmind-legacy.php:207 #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/maxmind/class-maxmind-legacy.php:228 msgid "The download service of this database file had terminated." msgstr "このデータベースファイルのダウンロードサービスは終了しました。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:577 msgid "Regardless of the country code, it will block a malicious request related to the services only for “logged-in user”." msgstr "国コードにかかわらず、認証済ユーザー限定のサービスに関連する悪意のあるリクエストを遮断します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:576 msgid "It will block a request related to the services for both “non-logged in user” and “logged-in user”." msgstr "認証済ユーザーおよび未認証ユーザー用のサービスに関連するリクエストを遮断します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:337 msgid "Prevent metadata alteration" msgstr "メタデータの改竄防止" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:332 msgid "pre_update_site_option" msgstr "pre_update_site_option" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:330 msgid "pre_update_option" msgstr "pre_update_option" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/drop-in-admin-sample.php:96 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1536 msgid "Blocked not in List" msgstr "リスト内でブロックされない" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/drop-in-admin-sample.php:95 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1535 msgid "Blocked in Blacklist" msgstr "ブラックリストでブロック" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/drop-in-admin-sample.php:94 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1534 msgid "Blocked in Whitelist" msgstr "ホワイトリストでブロック" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/drop-in-admin-sample.php:93 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1533 msgid "Passed not in List" msgstr "リストに渡されない" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/drop-in-admin-sample.php:92 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1532 msgid "Passed in Blacklist" msgstr "ブラックリストで渡される" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/drop-in-admin-sample.php:91 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1531 msgid "Passed in Whitelist" msgstr "ホワイトリストで渡される" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block.php:454 msgid "Back" msgstr "戻る" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1661 msgid "Please refer to \"%sLiving with cache plugin%s\" for compatibility with cache plugins." msgstr "キャッシュプラグインとの互換性については \"%sキャッシュプラグインでの生活%s\" を参照してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1610 msgid "Diagnose now" msgstr "今すぐ検査" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1602 msgid "Diagnose all DB tables" msgstr "すべてのデータベーステーブルを検査" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1553 msgid "Google Maps API key" msgstr "Google Maps API キー" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:853 msgid "Follow “Validation rules and behavior”" msgstr "「検証ルールと動作」に従う" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:464 msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:441 msgid "It enables to simulate the validation rules without actual blocking in order to check the behavior of this plugin. The results can be found on “Logs” tab." msgstr "これは、このプラグインの動作をチェックするために、実際のブロッキングなしで検証ルールをシミュレートすることができます。結果は “ログ” タブで見つけることができます。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:54 msgid "Validation rules and behavior" msgstr "検証ルールと動作" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:481 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:732 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:750 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:767 msgid "Sites list" msgstr "サイト一覧" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:117 msgid "Preset filters" msgstr "プリセットフィルター" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:544 msgid "You should select at least one API for local database at Geolocation API settings. Otherwise access to the external API may slow down the site." msgstr "位置情報 API の設定で、ローカルデータベース用の API を1つ以上選択してください。未選択の場合、外部 API へのアクセスがサイトを遅くすることがあります。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:535 msgid "You should select at least one API at Geolocation API settings. Otherwise you'll be blocked after the cache expires." msgstr "位置情報 API の設定で、API を1つ以上選択してください。未選択の場合、キャッシュが期限切れになった後にアクセスが遮断されます。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:404 msgid "[ %sRecord “Statistics of validation”%s ] is disabled." msgstr "「%s検証の統計を記録%s」が無効です。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:179 msgid "Statistics in validation logs" msgstr "ログの統計" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1537 msgid "Emergency login link" msgstr "緊急ログインリンク" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1094 msgid "Reverse DNS lookup" msgstr "DNS 逆引き参照" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:583 msgid "Max failed login attempts per IP address" msgstr "IP アドレスあたりのログイン試行回数の上限" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:583 msgid "This is applied to “XML-RPC” and “Login form” when “IP address cache” in “Privacy and record settings” section is enabled. Lockout period is the same as expiration time of the cache." msgstr "“プライバシーとレコードの設定” セクションで “IPアドレスキャッシュ” が有効になっている場合、この設定は “XML-RPC” と “ログインフォーム” に適用されます。ロックアウト期間は、キャッシュの有効期限と同じです。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:617 msgid "Emergency login link is outdated. Please delete it once and generate again at “%sPlugin settings%s” section. Also do not forget to update favorites / bookmarks in your browser." msgstr "緊急ログイン リンクが古くなっています。一度削除して、もう一度 “%sプラグイン設定%s” セクションで生成してください。また、お使いのブラウザでお気に入り / ブックマークを更新することを忘れないでください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:583 msgid "Please remove your IP address in “%1$sStatistics in IP address cache%2$s” on “%3$sStatistics%4$s” tab to prevent locking yourself out." msgstr "ロックアウトを防ぐために、 “%3$s統計%4$s” タブの “%1$sIP アドレスキャッシュの統計%2$s” で IP アドレスを削除してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:300 msgid "Please add the following link to favorites / bookmarks in your browser : " msgstr "次のリンクをブラウザーのお気に入り/ブックマークに追加してください: " #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:299 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1545 msgid "Delete current link" msgstr "生成したリンクを削除" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:298 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1544 msgid "Generate new link" msgstr "新規リンクを作成" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:296 msgid "Are you sure ?" msgstr "本当によいですか ?" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1644 msgid "Please select the appropriate APIs to fit the privacy law / regulation in your country / region." msgstr "お住まいの国 / 地域のプライバシー法 / 規制に適合する適切なAPIを選択してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1309 msgid "Interval [sec] to cleanup expired entries of IP address" msgstr "IP アドレスの有効期限が切れたエントリをクリーンアップする間隔 [秒]" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1224 msgid "$_POST key to record with value" msgstr "$_POST 値で記録するキー" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1166 msgid "Expiration time [sec] for each entry" msgstr "進入ごとの有効期限 (秒)。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1136 msgid "Do not send IP address to external APIs" msgstr "外部 API に IP アドレスを送信しない" #: admin/includes/tab-geolocation.php:104 msgid "Search geolocation" msgstr "位置情報の検索" #: admin/includes/tab-geolocation.php:89 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1121 msgid "Anonymize IP address" msgstr "IP アドレスの匿名化" #: admin/includes/tab-geolocation.php:46 msgid "Geolocation API" msgstr "位置情報 API" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:378 msgid "suggested text." msgstr "提案テキスト。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:417 msgid "Please set the proper condition to record IP address in cache." msgstr "IP アドレスをキャッシュに記録するための適切な条件を設定してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:416 msgid "[ %sRecord “IP address cache”%s ] is disabled." msgstr "「%sIP アドレスをキャッシュに記録%s」が無効です。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:277 msgid "Export cache" msgstr "キャッシュをエクスポート" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:210 msgid "Statistics in IP address cache" msgstr "キャッシュの統計" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1358 msgid "Remove all settings and records at uninstallation" msgstr "アンインストール時に設定と記録をすべて削除" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1207 msgid "Expiration time [days] for each entry" msgstr "進入ごとの有効期間 (日)" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1195 msgid "When passed" msgstr "通過時に記録" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1194 msgid "When blocked" msgstr "遮断時に記録" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-logs.php:243 msgid "Column type in %s unmatched. Once de-activate this plugin, and then activate again." msgstr "一致しない %s 列型。このプラグインを無効にしたら、再度アクティブにします。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1643 msgid "While Geolite2 / Maxmind and IP2Location will fetch the local databases, others will pass an IP address to the 3rd parties' API via HTTP." msgstr "Geolite2 / Maxmind and IP2Location はローカルデータベースを取得しますが、他のユーザーは HTTP 経由で第三者の API に IP アドレスを渡します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1151 msgid "Record “IP address cache”" msgstr " “IPアドレスキャッシュ” を記録する" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1182 msgid "Record “Validation logs”" msgstr " “検証ログ” を記録する" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1325 msgid "Record “Statistics of validation”" msgstr "検証の統計を記録" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1113 msgid "Privacy and record settings" msgstr "プライバシーと記録の設定" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:144 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:249 msgid "Remove entries by IP address" msgstr "IP アドレスでエントリーを削除" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1318 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1481 msgid "Next schedule: %s" msgstr "次回予定: %s" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1304 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1465 msgid "Task could not be found in WP-Cron. Please try to deactivate this plugin once and activate again." msgstr "WP-Cron でタスクが見つかりません。このプラグインを無効化した後、再有効化してみてください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1060 msgid "Block badly-behaved bots and crawlers" msgstr "行儀の悪いボットやクローラーを遮断" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1052 msgid "More than %1$s page view (PV) in %2$s seconds" msgstr "%2$s 秒で%1$sページ ビュー (PV) を超える" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1050 msgid "Blocking condition" msgstr "遮断条件" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:544 msgid "Action to show prompt to enter a password on password protected post and page." msgstr "パスワードで保護された投稿とページにパスワードを入力するプロンプトを表示するアクション。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:543 msgid "Action to email a password to a registered user." msgstr "登録済みユーザーにパスワードを送付するアクション。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:542 msgid "Action to reset a password to create a new one." msgstr "パスワードをリセットし、新しいパスワードに更新するアクション。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:541 msgid "Action to register new users." msgstr "新規ユーザーを登録するアクション。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:540 msgid "Action to login as a registered user." msgstr "登録済みユーザーとしてログインするアクション。" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:19 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:17 msgid "Help" msgstr "ヘルプ" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:112 admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:206 #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:410 msgid "[ %sRecord “Validation logs”%s ] is disabled." msgstr "「%s検証のログを記録%s」が無効です。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:19 msgid "Open CIDR calculator for IPv4 / IPv6." msgstr "IPv4/IPv6 用 CIDR 計算ツールを開きます。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1034 msgid "Specify the name of actions as exception that is invariably blocked." msgstr "常に遮断されるアクション名を例外として指定します。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:603 msgid "Please confirm your local geolocation database files exist at “%sLocal database settings%s” section, or remove your IP address in cache at “%sStatistics in cache%s” section." msgstr "ローカルの地理位置情報データベース ファイルが “%sローカル データベース設定%s” セクションに存在することを確認するか、“%sキャッシュ内の統計情報%s” セクションキャッシュ内の IP アドレスを削除してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:599 msgid "Please check your “%sValidation rules and behavior%s”." msgstr "「%s検証ルールと動作%s」を確認してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1653 msgid "Maxmind GeoLite2 databases and APIs need PHP version 5.4.0+ and %sPECL phar 2.0.0+%s." msgstr "Maxmind GeoLite2 データベースと API には、PHP バージョン 5.4.0 以上と %sPECL phar 2.0.0 以上%sが必要です。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:348 msgid "Toggle sorting order" msgstr "ソート順を切り替え" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1196 msgid "When “blocked” or “passed (not in whitelist)”" msgstr "「遮断」または「通過 (ホワイトリストに含まれない)」の場合" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:681 msgid "It configures “%s” to validate a direct request to the PHP file which does not load WordPress core. Make sure to deny direct access to the hidden files beginning with a dot by the server's configuration." msgstr "これは、WordPress コアをロードしない PHP ファイルへの直接要求を検証するために “%s” を設定します。サーバーの構成によって、ドットで始まる隠しファイルへの直接アクセスを拒否するようにしてください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:680 msgid "Select the item which causes unintended blocking in order to exclude from the validation target. Grayed item indicates “INACTIVE”." msgstr "検証対象から除外するために意図しないブロッキングを引き起こす項目を選択します。灰色の項目は “INACTIVE” を示します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:665 msgid "Candidate actions/pages" msgstr "候補アクション/ページ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:661 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:739 #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:799 msgid "Exceptions" msgstr "例外" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:661 msgid "Specify the action name (“action=…”) or the page name (“page=…”) to prevent unintended blocking caused by “Block by country” (for non logged-in user) and “Prevent Zero-day Exploit” (for logged-in user)." msgstr "アクション名 ( “action=…” ) またはページ名 ( “page=…” ) を指定して、 “国別ブロック” (未ログインユーザーの場合) と “ゼロデイエクスプロイトを防止” (ログインユーザーの場合) によって意図しないブロックを防ぎます。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:18 msgid "Before adding as “Exception”, please click on “” button (if exists) attached to the following list to confirm that the blocked request is not malicious." msgstr "“例外” として追加する前に、次の “” リストに添付されているボタンをクリックして、ブロックされたリクエストが悪意のあるものではないことを確認してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:16 msgid "Find blocked requests in “Logs“" msgstr "ログから遮断されたリクエストを検索する" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:307 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1696 msgid "An error occurred while executing the ajax command `%s`." msgstr "Ajaxコマンド `%s` の実行中にエラーが発生しました。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:304 msgid "Find and verify `%s` on “Logs” tab." msgstr "「ログ」タブで `%s` を検索し、検証してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:303 msgid "[Found: %d]" msgstr "[一致: %d]" #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:201 msgid "The user %s (user ID: %d) is in use." msgstr "ユーザー %s (ユーザー ID: %d) が使用中です。" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:113 admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:207 #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:411 msgid "Please set the proper condition to record and analyze the validation logs." msgstr "検証のログを記録し分析するには、適切な条件を設定してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:222 msgid "Search in cache" msgstr "キャッシュを検索" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:129 msgid "Call" msgstr "コール" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1626 msgid "Please copy & paste when submitting your issue to support forum" msgstr "フォーラムに問題を投稿する際、コピーして張り付けてください" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1619 msgid "Diagnostic information
[ support forum ]" msgstr "診断情報
[ サポートフォーラム ]" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1295 msgid "Reset now" msgstr "今すぐリセット" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1287 msgid "Reset database source of “Live update”" msgstr "ライブアップデートのデータソースをリセットする" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1279 msgid "It takes a few milliseconds as overhead. There is a possibility of conflict with other plugins using this method." msgstr "数ミリ秒のオーバーヘッドが生じます。同手法を用いている他のプラグインと競合する可能性があります。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1278 msgid "It takes a few tens of milliseconds as overhead. It can be safely used without conflict with other plugins." msgstr "数十ミリ秒のオーバーヘッドが生じますが、他のプラグインと競合することなく、安全に使用できます。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1277 msgid "PDO_SQLITE driver not available" msgstr "PDO_SQLITE ドライバが利用できません" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1274 msgid "In-Memory" msgstr "インメモリ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1273 msgid "Ordinary file" msgstr "通常のファイル" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1260 msgid "Database source of SQLite for “Live update”" msgstr " “ライブアップデート” の SQLite のデータベースソース" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1243 msgid "Maximum entries in “Logs”" msgstr "“ログ” の最大エントリ数" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1197 msgid "Unauthenticated visitor" msgstr "未認証の訪問者を記録" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1340 msgid "Maximum period for “Statistics” [days]" msgstr "“統計” の最大期間 [日数]" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:90 msgid "Duration to retrieve" msgstr "取得する期間" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:78 msgid "Latest 1 week" msgstr "最近1週間" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:77 msgid "Latest 24 hours" msgstr "最近24時間" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:76 msgid "Latest 1 hour" msgstr "最近1時間" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:61 msgid "Chart display layout" msgstr "チャートの表示レイアウト" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:47 msgid "Columns" msgstr "カラム" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:42 msgid "Rows" msgstr "行" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:33 msgid "Blocked by target in logs" msgstr "ターゲット毎の遮断数" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:165 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:167 #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:199 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:269 msgid "Clear all" msgstr "すべてクリア" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:56 admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:150 #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:255 msgid "Apply" msgstr "適用" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:148 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:253 msgid "Add AS number to “Blacklist”" msgstr "AS 番号を「ブラックリスト」へ追加" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:147 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:252 msgid "Add AS number to “Whitelist”" msgstr "AS 番号を「ホワイトリスト」へ追加" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:146 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:251 msgid "Add IP address to “Blacklist”" msgstr "IP アドレスを「ブラックリスト」へ追加" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:145 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:250 msgid "Add IP address to “Whitelist”" msgstr "IP アドレスを「ホワイトリスト」へ追加" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:133 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:238 msgid "Bulk action" msgstr "一括操作" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:86 msgid "Search in logs" msgstr "ログを検索" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:71 msgid "Select target" msgstr "対象を選択" #: admin/includes/tab-network.php:75 admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:62 msgid "All" msgstr "すべて" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:929 msgid "Select one" msgstr "1つ選択" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:297 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:792 msgid "Open a new window" msgstr "新規ウィンドウで開く" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:792 msgid "Open a new window on clicking the link in the chart." msgstr "チャート内のリンクをクリックすると、新しいウィンドウが開きます。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:788 admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:39 msgid "Live update" msgstr "ライブアップデート" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:788 msgid "Independent of “Privacy and record settings”, you can see all the requests validated by this plugin in almost real time." msgstr "“プライバシーと記録の設定” に関係なく、あなたはほぼリアルタイムでこのプラグインによって検証されたすべての要求を見ることができます。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:320 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:106 msgid "Time" msgstr "時刻" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:319 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:246 msgid "Elapsed[sec]" msgstr "経過 [秒]" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:318 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:245 msgid "Failure / Total" msgstr "失敗 / 合計" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:317 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:110 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:244 msgid "Target" msgstr "ターゲット" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:316 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:243 msgid "Host name" msgstr "ホスト名" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:315 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:109 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:242 msgid "ASN" msgstr "AS 番号" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:312 msgid "No matching records found" msgstr "一致するレコードがありません" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:311 msgid "No data available in table" msgstr "テーブルにデータがありません" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:306 msgid "The selected row cannot be found in the table." msgstr "テーブル中に選択された行が見つかりません。" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:228 #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:332 #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:410 #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-opts.php:487 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1392 #: admin/includes/class-admin-rewrite.php:194 msgid "Unable to write %s. Please check the permission." msgstr "%s に書き込めません。パーミッションを確認してください。" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:233 msgid "Can't lock %s. Please try again after a while." msgstr "%s をロックできません。しばらくしてからもう一度お試しください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:682 msgid "Sorry, but your server type is not supported." msgstr "このタイプのサーバーはサポートされていません。" #: admin/includes/class-admin-rewrite.php:234 msgid "“auto_prepend_file” already defined in %s." msgstr "“auto_prepend_file” は %s で定義済みです。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:303 msgid "Slug in back-end" msgstr "バックエンドのスラッグ" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:302 msgid "IP address (Top 10)" msgstr "IP アドレス (トップ10)" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:301 msgid "AS number (Top 10)" msgstr "AS 番号 (トップ10)" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:300 msgid "Country (Top 10)" msgstr "国 (トップ10)" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1519 msgid "Network wide settings" msgstr "ネットワーク全体の設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:662 msgid "Toggle with non logged-in user" msgstr "未認証ユーザー用を含む項目に限定して表示する" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:625 msgid "admin post for non logged-in user" msgstr "ログインしていないユーザーの管理者の投稿" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:624 msgid "admin post for logged-in user" msgstr "ログインユーザーの管理者の投稿" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:306 msgid "Verify file extension only" msgstr "ファイル拡張子のみを検証" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:305 msgid "Verify file extension and MIME type" msgstr "拡張子と MIME タイプを検証" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:287 msgid "( See “Roles and Capabilities” )" msgstr "(“役割と機能” を参照してください)" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:287 msgid "Capabilities to be verified" msgstr "検証する機能" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:216 msgid "Whitelist of extra IP addresses prior to country code" msgstr "国コードの前に追加 IP アドレスのホワイトリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:191 msgid "Some useful tools to find ASN are introduced in “%s”." msgstr "AS 番号の検索に役立つツールを “%s” で紹介しています。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:180 msgid "Use Autonomous System Number" msgstr "自律システム番号の使用" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:15 msgid "Toggle selection" msgstr "選択の切り替え" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:302 msgid "ajax for non logged-in user" msgstr "ログインしていないユーザーのための ajax" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:301 msgid "ajax for logged-in user" msgstr "ログインユーザーのための ajax" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1415 msgid "Timeout for network API [sec]" msgstr "ネットワーク API のタイムアウト [秒]" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-file.php:68 msgid "You should define some constants in your wp-config.php for FTP or SSH based file operations. Please refer to this document for more details." msgstr "FTP または SSH でのファイル操作を有効化するには、wp-config.php でいくつか定数を定義する必要があります。詳しくは、このドキュメントを参照してください。" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-file.php:54 msgid "This plugin does not support method “%s” for FTP or SSH based file operations. Please refer to this document for more details." msgstr "本プラグインは、メソッド「%s」による FTP あるいは SSH を使ったファイル操作をサポートしていません。詳しくは、このドキュメントを参照してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1593 msgid "Import the preferred settings mainly by enabling Zero-day Exploit Prevention for the “Back-end target settings”" msgstr "主に “バックエンドターゲット設定” にゼロデイエクスプロイト対策を有効にして優先設定をインポートします" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:198 msgid "$_SERVER keys to retrieve extra IP addresses" msgstr "余分な IP アドレスを取得するための $_SERVER キー" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:119 msgid "Blacklist of country code" msgstr "国コードのブラックリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:118 msgid "Whitelist of country code" msgstr "国コードのホワイトリスト" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:223 #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:405 #: admin/includes/class-admin-rewrite.php:168 msgid "Unable to read %s. Please check the permission." msgstr "%s を読み取れません。パーミッションを確認してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:626 msgid "“mu-plugins” (ip-geo-block-mu.php) at “Validation timing” is imcompatible with IP Geo Allow. Please select “init” action hook." msgstr "「検証タイミング」の “mu-plugins” (ip-geo-block-mu.php) は IP Geo 許可と互換性がありません。“init” アクションフックを選択してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1593 msgid "Best for Back-end" msgstr "バックエンドに最適" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1094 msgid "It enables to verify the host by reverse DNS lookup which would spend some server resources. If it is disabled, “HOST” and “HOST=…”in “UA string and qualification” will always return “true”." msgstr "これは、いくつかのサーバーリソースを費やす逆引き DNS ルックアップによってホストを確認することができます。無効になっている場合は、“UA 文字列と修飾” の “HOST” と “HOST=…” が常に “true” を返します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:895 msgid "Response code %s" msgstr "応答コード%s" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:382 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:926 msgid "Redirect URL" msgstr "リダイレクト URL" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:293 msgid "Prevent malicious file uploading" msgstr "悪意のあるファイルのアップロードを防止する" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:283 msgid "Blacklist of forbidden file extensions" msgstr "禁止するファイル拡張子のブラックリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:272 msgid "Whitelist of allowed MIME type" msgstr "許可する MIME タイプのホワイトリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:95 msgid "Server IP address / Country" msgstr "サーバーの IP アドレス / 国コード" #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:505 msgid "illegal format at %s. Please delete the corresponding line and try again." msgstr "%sは誤ったフォーマットです。該当行を削除し、再実行してください。" #: wp-content/mu-plugins/ip-geo-block-mu.php:72 msgid "Can't find IP Geo Block in your plugins directory. Please remove %s or re-install %s." msgstr "プラグインディレクトリに IP Geo Block が見つかりません。 %s を削除するか、%s を再インストールしてください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:526 msgid "Can not load Geolocation API libraries from %s. It seems to have failed downloading ZIP file from WordPress-IP-Geo-API. Try to deactivate IP Geo Block once and activate it again, or install ip-geo-api with write permission according to this instruction." msgstr "%s から地理位置情報 API ライブラリを読み込めません。それは WordPress-IP-Geo-API から ZIP ファイルのダウンロードに失敗したようです。IP Geo Block を一度非アクティブ化して再度アクティブにするか、 この指示に従って書き込み許可を持って ip-geo-api をインストールしてみてください。" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:415 msgid "gz or zip is not supported on your system." msgstr "gz または zip はサポートされていません。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:85 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:104 msgid "Scan country code" msgstr "国コードをスキャン" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:471 msgid "public facing pages" msgstr "一般公開ページ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1626 msgid "Show information" msgstr "情報を表示" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:581 msgid "Once you logout, you will be unable to login again because the number of login attempts reaches the limit." msgstr "ログアウトすると、ログイン試行回数が制限に達するため、再度ログインできなくなります。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:441 msgid "Simulation mode" msgstr "シミュレーションモード" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1034 msgid "Excluded actions" msgstr "除外するアクション" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1077 msgid "UA string and qualification" msgstr "UA 文字列とただし書き" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1077 msgid "A part of user agent string and a qualification connected with a separator that indicates an applicable rule and can be “:” (pass) or “#” (block). A “qualification” can be “DNS”, “FEED”, country code or IP address with CIDR. A negative operator “!” can be placed just before a “qualification”." msgstr "ユーザー エージェント文字列の一部と、適用可能な規則を示す区切り記号で接続された修飾条件は、 “:” (パス) または “#” (ブロック) です。 “資格” は、CIDR を使用して “DNS”、“FEED”、または IP アドレスを指定できます。負の演算子 “!” は “修飾” の直前に配置できます。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1024 msgid "Notice that “Validation timing” is deferred till “wp” action hook. It means that this feature would not be compatible with any page caching." msgstr "“検証タイミング” は “wp” アクション フックまで遅延されます。この機能は、どのページ キャッシュにも互換性がないことを意味します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1021 msgid "Specify the targets" msgstr "ターゲットを指定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1020 msgid "All requests" msgstr "すべてのリクエスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1009 msgid "Validation target" msgstr "検証対象" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1009 msgid "Specify the validation target on front-end." msgstr "フロントエンドでの検証ターゲットを指定してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:995 msgid "Tag" msgstr "タグ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:983 msgid "Category" msgstr "カテゴリー" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:971 msgid "Post type" msgstr "投稿タイプ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:959 msgid "Page" msgstr "ページ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:818 msgid "Front-end target settings" msgstr "フロントエンドのターゲット設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:470 msgid "Other areas" msgstr "その他のエリア" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:458 msgid "Back-end target settings" msgstr "バックエンドのターゲット設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:399 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:944 msgid "Response message" msgstr "レスポンスメッセージ" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:59 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:471 msgid "Public facing pages" msgstr "一般公開ページ" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:95 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:232 msgid "Reset" msgstr "リセット" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:305 msgid "This feature is available with HTML5 compliant browsers." msgstr "この機能は HTML5 準拠のブラウザーで利用できます。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:433 msgid "Validate at an earlier phase than other typical plugins. It can reduce load on server but has some restrictions." msgstr "他の一般的なプラグインよりも前の段階で検証します。サーバーの負荷を軽減できますが、 いくつかの制限があります。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:432 msgid "Validate at “init” action hook in the same manner as typical plugins." msgstr "一般的なプラグインと同じ方法で “init” アクションフックで検証します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:429 msgid "“mu-plugins” (ip-geo-block-mu.php)" msgstr "“mu-plugins” (ip-geo-block-mu.php)" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:428 msgid "“init” action hook" msgstr "“init” アクションフック" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:417 msgid "Validation timing" msgstr "検証のタイミング" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:417 msgid "Select when to run the validation." msgstr "検証を実行するタイミングを選択します。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:570 msgid "Local database and matching rule have been updated." msgstr "ローカルデータベースと一致するルールが更新されました。" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block.php:454 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "ダッシュボード" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:566 msgid "Target actions" msgstr "対象アクション" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:544 msgid "Password protected" msgstr "パスワード保護" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:543 msgid "Lost Password" msgstr "パスワード紛失" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:542 msgid "Password Reset" msgstr "パスワードのリセット" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:541 msgid "Register" msgstr "登録" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:540 msgid "Log in" msgstr "ログイン" #: admin/includes/class-admin-rewrite.php:169 #: admin/includes/class-admin-rewrite.php:195 msgid "Or please refer to %s to set it manually." msgstr "または手動で設定するには %s を参照してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:353 msgid "Response code %s" msgstr "レスポンスコード %s" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:258 msgid "Bad signatures in query ()" msgstr "クエリ内の不正な署名 ( )" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:785 msgid "Toggle all" msgstr "すべて切り替え" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:180 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:283 msgid "Export csv" msgstr "CSV をエクスポート" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:174 msgid "Export logs" msgstr "ログをエクスポート" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:822 msgid "Back to top" msgstr "トップへ戻る" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:683 msgid "You need to click “Save Changes” button for imported settings to take effect." msgstr "インポートした設定を有効化するには、「変更を保存」ボタンをクリックする必要があります。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1426 msgid "Settings saved." msgstr "設定を保存しました。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1592 msgid "Default settings" msgstr "初期設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1592 msgid "Import the default settings to revert to the “Right after installing” state" msgstr "インストール直後の状態に戻すための設定値をインポートします" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1585 msgid "Import pre-defined settings" msgstr "定義済みの設定をインポート" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1577 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "インポート設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1577 msgid "Import from the local file" msgstr "ローカルファイルからインポート" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1576 msgid "Export settings" msgstr "エクスポート設定" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:180 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:283 #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1576 msgid "Export to the local file" msgstr "ローカルファイルへエクスポート" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1569 msgid "Export / Import settings" msgstr "設定のエクスポート、インポート" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:718 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:778 msgid "Force to load WP core" msgstr "WP コアの読み込みを強制" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:14 msgid "(comma or RET separated)" msgstr "(カンマまたは RET 区切り)" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:138 msgid "A request from which the country code or IP address is in the blacklist will be blocked." msgstr "国コードまたは IP アドレスがブラックリストに含まれているリクエストを遮断します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:137 msgid "A request from which the country code or IP address is NOT in the whitelist will be blocked." msgstr "国コードまたは IP アドレスがホワイトリストに含まれていないリクエストを遮断します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:125 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:843 msgid "Matching rule" msgstr "一致ルール" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:117 msgid "Please select either “Whitelist” or “Blacklist”." msgstr "「ホワイトリスト」または「ブラックリスト」のどちらかを選択してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:595 msgid "Once you logout, you will be unable to login again because your country code or IP address is not in the whitelist." msgstr "ログアウトすると、国コードまたは IP アドレスがホワイトリストに含まれていないため、再度ログインできなくなります。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:594 msgid "Once you logout, you will be unable to login again because your country code or IP address is in the blacklist." msgstr "ログアウトすると、国コードまたは IP アドレスがブラックリストに入っているため、再度ログインできなくなります。" #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/maxmind/class-maxmind-legacy.php:252 #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/maxmind/class-maxmind-geolite2.php:160 #: wp-content/ip-geo-api/ip2location/class-ip2location.php:154 msgid "Database file does not exist." msgstr "データベースファイルが存在しません。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:96 msgid "Blocked per day" msgstr "1日あたりの遮断数" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:534 msgid "Completely close" msgstr "完全に閉じる" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:561 msgid "The “Matching rule” is not set properly. Please confirm it at Validation rules and behavior." msgstr "「一致ルール」が正しく設定されていません。「検証ルールと動作」を確認してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:555 msgid "Now downloading geolocation databases in background. After a little while, please check your country code and “Matching rule” at Validation rules and behavior." msgstr "今、バックグラウンドで地理位置情報データベースをダウンロードします。しばらくしてから、検証ルールと動作の入力規則で国コードと “照合ルール” を確認してください。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:1365 msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "このページにアクセスするための十分な権限がありません。" #. Author URI of the plugin msgid "https://www.ipgeoblock.com/" msgstr "https://www.ipgeoblock.com/" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:817 msgid "(Most browsers will redirect you to each site without referrer when you click the link.)" msgstr "(ほとんどのブラウザは、 リンクをクリックすると、参照元なしで各サイトにリダイレクトされます。)" #. Author of the plugin msgid "tokkonopapa" msgstr "tokkonopapa" #. Description of the plugin msgid "It blocks any spams, login attempts and malicious access to the admin area posted from outside your nation, and also prevents zero-day exploit." msgstr "自国以外から投稿されるスパム、ログインフォーム、さらにゼロデイ攻撃を含む管理領域への悪意あるアクセスからサイトを守ります。" #. Plugin URI of the plugin msgid "https://wordpress.org/plugins/ip-geo-block/" msgstr "https://ja.wordpress.org/plugins/ip-geo-block/" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:312 msgid "Your database file is up-to-date." msgstr "データベースファイルは最新です。" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-logs.php:236 msgid "Creating a DB table %s had failed. Once de-activate this plugin, and then activate again." msgstr "DB テーブル %s の作成に失敗しました。このプラグインを無効化してから、再有効化してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:405 msgid "Please set the proper condition to record and analyze the validation statistics." msgstr "検証統計を記録して分析するための適切な条件を設定してください。" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:261 msgid "Clear cache" msgstr "キャッシュを消去" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:159 msgid "Clear statistics" msgstr "統計のクリア" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:144 msgid "Average response time of each API" msgstr "API 毎の平均応答時間" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:130 msgid "Response [msec]" msgstr "応答時間 [msec]" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:128 msgid "Name of API" msgstr "API 名" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:111 msgid "Blocked by type of IP address" msgstr "IP アドレスの種類による遮断" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:56 msgid "Blocked by countries" msgstr "国制限による遮断" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:32 msgid "Blocked" msgstr "遮断" #: admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:18 msgid "Statistics of validation" msgstr "検証の統計" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1507 msgid "Plugin settings" msgstr "プラグインの設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:512 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "下" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:511 msgid "Top" msgstr "上" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:510 msgid "None" msgstr "なし" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:497 msgid "Message on comment form" msgstr "投稿フォーム上のメッセージ" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:497 msgid "The whole will be wrapped by <p> tag. Allowed tags: " msgstr "全体が <p> タグで囲われます。許可されたタグ: " #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1199 msgid "All the validation" msgstr "すべての検証を記録" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1198 msgid "Authenticated user" msgstr "認証済のユーザーを記録" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1496 msgid "Download now" msgstr "今すぐダウンロード" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1488 msgid "Download database" msgstr "データベースのダウンロード" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1470 msgid "Auto updating (once a month)" msgstr "自動更新 (月1回)" #: classes/class-ip-geo-block-cron.php:434 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1448 msgid "Last update: %s" msgstr "最終更新: %s" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1447 msgid "database" msgstr "データベース" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1433 msgid "Local database settings" msgstr "ローカルデータベース設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1396 msgid "API selection and key settings" msgstr "API の選択とキー設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1375 msgid "Geolocation API settings" msgstr "位置情報 API の設定" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:783 msgid "Themes area" msgstr "テーマ領域" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:723 msgid "Plugins area" msgstr "プラグイン領域" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:679 msgid "Regardless of the country code, it will block a malicious request to %s⋯/*.php." msgstr "国コードにかかわらず、%s⋯/*.php への悪意のあるリクエストを遮断します。" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:647 msgid "Admin ajax/post" msgstr "管理画面 ajax/post" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:572 msgid "Prevent Zero-day Exploit" msgstr "ゼロデイ攻撃を遮断" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:487 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:533 #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:565 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:571 #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:836 msgid "Block by country" msgstr "国コードで遮断" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:237 msgid "Blacklist of extra IP addresses prior to country code" msgstr "国コードの前の追加 IP アドレスのブラックリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:13 msgid "(comma separated)" msgstr "(カンマ区切り)" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:113 msgid "Blacklist" msgstr "ブラックリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:112 msgid "Whitelist" msgstr "ホワイトリスト" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:304 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:532 #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:677 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:1193 msgid "Disable" msgstr "無効化" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:85 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:104 msgid "Scan all the APIs you selected at Geolocation API settings" msgstr "選択された位置情報APIを検索します" #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:76 msgid "Your IP address / Country" msgstr "あなたの IP アドレス / 国コード" #: admin/includes/tab-geolocation.php:112 msgid "Search now" msgstr "今すぐ検索" #: admin/includes/tab-geolocation.php:17 msgid "Search IP address geolocation" msgstr "IP アドレスの位置情報を検索" #: admin/includes/tab-attribution.php:13 msgid "Attribution links" msgstr "提供元リンク" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:325 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:115 msgid "$_POST data" msgstr "$_POST データ" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:324 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:114 msgid "HTTP headers" msgstr "HTTP ヘッダー" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:323 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:113 msgid "User agent" msgstr "ユーザーエージェント" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:322 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:112 msgid "Request" msgstr "リクエスト" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:321 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:111 msgid "Result" msgstr "結果" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:314 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:108 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:241 msgid "Code" msgstr "コード" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:313 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:107 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:240 #: admin/includes/tab-geolocation.php:74 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP アドレス" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:58 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:469 msgid "Admin area" msgstr "管理画面" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:57 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:468 msgid "Login form" msgstr "ログインフォーム" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:56 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:467 msgid "XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:55 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:466 msgid "Comment post" msgstr "コメント投稿" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:157 admin/includes/tab-statistics.php:191 msgid "Clear logs" msgstr "ログをクリア" #: admin/includes/tab-accesslog.php:19 msgid "Validation logs" msgstr "検証のログ" #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:72 #: admin/includes/class-admin-ajax.php:75 admin/includes/tab-settings.php:84 #: admin/includes/tab-settings.php:103 msgid "n/a" msgstr "該当なし" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:914 msgid "Enable" msgstr "有効化" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:816 msgid "Thanks for providing these great services for free." msgstr "これらのすばらしいサービスの提供元に、敬意と感謝の意を表します。" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:737 msgid "Attribution" msgstr "提供元" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:736 msgid "Search" msgstr "検索" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:735 msgid "Logs" msgstr "ログ" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:734 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "統計情報" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:522 msgid "You need WordPress 3.7+." msgstr "WordPress 3.7 以降が必要です。" #. Plugin Name of the plugin #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:459 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:460 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:470 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:471 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:480 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:490 msgid "IP Geo Block" msgstr "IP Geo Block" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:351 msgid "Contribute on GitHub" msgstr "GitHub で貢献" #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:365 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:491 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:733 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:753 #: admin/class-ip-geo-block-admin.php:769 msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定"