help: @echo "Please use \`make ' where is one of" @echo " clean to delete all Makefile artifacts" @echo " clear-cache to clear the cached JSON compiled SDK files" @echo " test to perform unit tests. Provide TEST to perform a specific test." @echo " coverage to perform unit tests with code coverage. Provide TEST to perform a specific test." @echo " coverage-show to show the code coverage report" @echo " integ to run integration tests. Provide TEST to perform a specific test." @echo " api to build the API documentation. Provide ISSUE_LOGGING_ENABLED to save build issues to file." @echo " api-show to view the API documentation" @echo " api-package to build the API documentation as a ZIP" @echo " api-manifest to build an API manifest JSON file for the SDK" @echo " compile-json to compile the JSON data files in src/data into PHP files" @echo " package to package a phar and zip file for a release" @echo " check-tag to ensure that the TAG argument was passed" @echo " tag to chag tag a release based on the changelog. Must provide a TAG" @echo " release to package the release and push it to GitHub. Must provide a TAG" @echo " full-release to tag, package, and release the SDK. Provide TAG" clean: clear-cache rm -rf build/artifacts/* clear-cache: php build/aws-clear-cache.php test: @AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar AWS_CSM_ENABLED=false \ vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=unit $(TEST) test-phar: package [ -f build/artifacts/behat.phar ] || (cd build/artifacts && \ wget [ -f build/artifacts/phpunit.phar ] || (cd build/artifacts && \ wget php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 build/phar-test-runner.php --format=progress coverage: @AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=foo AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=bar AWS_CSM_ENABLED=false \ vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=unit --coverage-html=build/artifacts/coverage $(TEST) coverage-show: open build/artifacts/coverage/index.html # Ensures that the MODELSDIR variable was passed to the make command check-models-dir: $(if $(MODELSDIR),,$(error MODELSDIR is not defined. Pass via "make tag MODELSDIR=../models")) sync-models: check-models-dir rsync -chavPL $(MODELSDIR) src/data --exclude="*/*/service-2.json" \ --exclude="*/*/resources-1.json" --exclude=".idea/" --exclude="*.iml" \ --exclude="sdb/" --exclude="lambda/2014-11-11/" --exclude=".git/" \ --exclude="*.md" rsync -chavPL src/data/iot-data/ src/data/data.iot/ rm -rf src/data/iot-data rsync -chavPL src/data/meteringmarketplace/ src/data/metering.marketplace/ rm -rf src/data/meteringmarketplace integ: vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --tags=integ smoke: vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --suite=smoke smoke-noassumerole: vendor/bin/behat --format=progress --suite=smoke --tags='~@noassumerole' # Packages the phar and zip package: php build/packager.php $(SERVICE) api-get-apigen: mkdir -p build/artifacts [ -f build/artifacts/apigen.phar ] || wget -q -O build/artifacts/apigen.phar api: api-get-apigen # Build the package if necessary. [ -d build/artifacts/staging ] || make package # Delete a previously built API build to avoid the prompt. rm -rf build/artifacts/docs php build/artifacts/apigen.phar generate --config build/docs/apigen.neon --debug make api-models make redirect-map api-models: # Build custom docs php build/docs.php $(if $(ISSUE_LOGGING_ENABLED),--issue-logging-enabled,) redirect-map: # Build redirect map php build/build-redirect-map.php api-show: open build/artifacts/docs/index.html api-package: zip -r build/artifacts/ build/artifacts/docs/build api-manifest: php build/build-manifest.php make clear-cache # Compiles JSON data files and prints the names of PHP data files created or # updated. compile-json: php -dopcache.enable_cli=1 build/compile-json.php git diff --name-only | grep ^src/data/.*\.json\.php$ || true annotate-clients: clean php build/annotate-clients.php --all annotate-client-locator: clean php build/annotate-client-locator.php build-manifest: php build/build-manifest.php >/dev/null build: | build-manifest compile-json annotate-clients annotate-client-locator # Ensures that the TAG variable was passed to the make command check-tag: $(if $(TAG),,$(error TAG is not defined. Pass via "make tag TAG=4.2.1")) # Creates a release but does not push it. This task updates the changelog # with the TAG environment variable, replaces the VERSION constant, ensures # that the source is still valid after updating, commits the changelog and # updated VERSION constant, creates an annotated git tag using chag, and # prints out a diff of the last commit. tag: check-tag @echo Tagging $(TAG) chag update $(TAG) sed -i'' -e "s/VERSION = '.*'/VERSION = '$(TAG)'/" src/Sdk.php php -l src/Sdk.php git commit -a -m '$(TAG) release' chag tag @echo "Release has been created. Push using 'make release'" @echo "Changes made in the release commit" git diff HEAD~1 HEAD # Creates a release based on the master branch and latest tag. This task # pushes the latest tag, pushes master, creates a phar and zip, and creates # a Github release. Use "TAG=X.Y.Z make tag" to create a release, and use # "make release" to push a release. This task requires that the # OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable is available and the token has permission # to push to the repository. release: check-tag package git push origin master git push origin $(TAG) php build/gh-release.php $(TAG) # Tags the repo and publishes a release. full_release: tag release .PHONY: help clean test coverage coverage-show integ package compile-json \ api-get-apigen api api-show api-package api-manifest \ check-tag tag release full-release clear-cache test-phar integ smoke \ api-models compile-json annotate-clients annotate-client-locator \ build-manifest check-models-dir sync-models