@dynamodb @integ Feature: Waiters Scenario: Synchronous Waiters Given I have a "dynamodb" client And the table named "waiter-test" does not exist When I create a table named "waiter-test" And wait for the table named "waiter-test" to exist Then the table named "waiter-test" exists Then I can delete the table named "waiter-test" And wait for the table named "waiter-test" to be deleted And the table named "waiter-test" does not exist Scenario: Asynchronous Waiters Given I have a "dynamodb" client And the table named "waiter-test" does not exist When I create a promise to create and await a table named "waiter-test" And the table named "waiter-test" does not exist Then I can wait on all promises And the table named "waiter-test" exists When I create a promise to delete and await the purging of the table named "waiter-test" And the table named "waiter-test" exists Then I can wait on all promises And the table named "waiter-test" does not exist