2021.09 - version 1.5.2 * Added support for guzzle 7.3. * Resolve some warnings when calling `Psr7\stream_for`, uses `Utils::streamFor` instead. * Added colon to non-UTC timestamps. * Fixed type hint for `ServiceException::getResponse()`. * Fixed random number range that might cause an overflow in the guid generation. * Added logic to convert to exception when promise is rejected with string. * Compares `strlen` result with an integer instead of string. 2020.12 - version 1.5.1 * Guzzle version is now updated to support both 6.x and 7.x. 2020.08 - version 1.5.0 * Resolved TLS 1.2 issue and some test issues. * Check $uri null type before array/string access. * Accept DateTimeImmutable as EdmType input. * Added client-request-id to requests. * Updated getContinuationToken return type. * Call static methods using `static::` not `self::`. * Added $isSecondary parameter for appendBlobRetryDecider. * Retry on no response from server after a successful connection 2020.01 - version 1.4.1 * Changed to perform override existence instead of value check for ‘$options[‘verify’]’ in ‘ServiceRestProxy’. 2019.04 - version 1.4.0 * Added support for OAuth authentication. * Resolved some issues on Linux platform. 2019.03 - version 1.3.0 * Documentation refinement. 2018.08 - version 1.2.0 * Fixed a bug `generateCanonicalResource` returns an empty string if `$resource` starts with "/". * Supported optional middleware retry on connection failures. * Fixed a typo of `DEAFULT_RETRY_INTERVAL`. 2018.04 - version 1.1.0 * MD files are modified for better readability and formatting. * CACERT can now be set when creating RestProxies using `$options` parameter. * Removed unnecessary trailing spaces. * Assertions are re-factored in test cases. * Now the test framework uses `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` instead of `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase`. 2018.01 - version 1.0.0 * Removed `ServiceBuilder.php`, moved static builder methods into `BlobRestProxy`, `TableRestProxy`, `QueueRestProxy` and `FileRestProxy`. * Moved method `SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateBlobServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken()` into `BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper`. * Moved method `SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateTableServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken()` into `TableSharedAccessSignatureHelper`. * Moved method `SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateQueueServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken()` into `QueueSharedAccessSignatureHelper`. * Moved method `SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateFileServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken()` into `FileSharedAccessSignatureHelper`. * `CommonMiddleWare` constructor requires storage service version as parameter now. * `AccessPolicy` class is now an abstract class, added children classes `BlobAccessPolicy`, `ContainerAccessPolicy`, `TableAccessPolicy`, `QueueAccessPolicy`, `FileAccessPolicy` and `ShareAccessPolicy`. * Fixed a bug that `Utilities::allZero()` will return true for non-zero data chunks. * Deprecated PHP 5.5 support.