== Description == BizVektor theme will allow you to build a high-quality business web site.It is possible to change the color in the Theme Customizer, to switch to a completely different design.In addition, it is possible to increase the design by the plug-in. Official site : http://sample.bizvektor.com ( Sorry, english version is under construction. ) Sample site : http://sample.bizvektor.com === Tags === white, red, blue, black, green, orange, purple, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, one-columns, responsive, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style,theme-options === Features === Specializing in the business-friendly, Change design, Supports customizer, Responsive Layout, Many theme Setting options, Child page list template, Display contact information, Page Navigation, Breadcrumb Navigation, and more! === Widgets Areas === The Theme has 4 widget areas. You can use these area to customize the content of your website. == License == Unless otherwise specified, all the theme files, scripts and images are licensed under GNU General Public License version 2, see file license.txt. The exceptions to this license are as follows: The script html5.js and css3-mediaqueries.js are licensed under MIT Header Images are photo by theme author and are released under GPL license. == Author == The theme built by Hidekazu Ishikawa (kurudrive) at Vektor,Inc. You can contact me at inquiry form. http://bizvektor.com/contact/ == Changelog == https://github.com/kurudrive/biz-vektor/commits/master